Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. – Isa 60:1

“… Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, … to the land which I am giving ….” 24Joshua 1:2

The death of Moses marked the end of a generation that rebelled against God and tempted Him continually. They ended up perishing in the wilderness. Their stubbornness even stretched the patience of Moses, the meekest man who also ended up being denied entry into the land. They missed out despite the promise that came to them with all assurance. Their disobedience cost them the possession that awaited them. Those at the edge of the wilderness were Caleb and Joshua, as those who conquered through the wilderness; and the younger generation that did not know Egypt, as those who survived through the wilderness because God considered them, more so as they could only be optimistic of the future since they had no past in Egypt.

God defined them with a new instruction (Deut 1:5-6; 8) and furthered with the marching order given to Joshua. They were to ARISE AND GO OVER JORDAN INTO THE LAND THAT GOD HAS GIVEN THEM. Their obedience to this directive will make them to possess what awaited them by bringing them out of the wilderness state of: 1). Doubt: which disagrees with God’s word; 2). Self-pity which in immaturity only saw hunger and death because of not thinking forward; 3). Lethargy which made them to be laid back in respect of the word of God; 4). Survival which kept them alive yet without the disposition for what awaited them; and 5). Deterioration which gradually led those who perished into their abysmal failure and doom as their peril was not overnight.

The charge would switch them into a new mode useful for a new season. Old mode only produces old results, hence the need for new ways to do things for a better result. The new mode will not originate their land but will make the land already settled with God to materialise in their world. Heeding the charge will make them ready to take all that is provided. There is no sitting on the fence for those whose season is changing. Those who sit on the fence are not necessarily safe. They are confused and vulnerable to all sorts between the past and the future; between impossibilities and possibilities.

The instruction from God gave them specific things to do: 1). Go over this Jordan. This is the new imperative to you for a new season; a call to an audacious faith-filled life, not like that at the red sea where they were called to stand still to see the salvation of the Lord. Ex 14:13, 15; note verse 15. What Moses was at the red sea is what they are being called into, to walk in the way of the Lord. 2). Go into the land which I am giving you. When God says I am giving you, it means He has already given it while you have the obligation to enter into your possession.

The charge also gave specific promises to use: 1). Every place that your foot will tread upon (within the bounds of my direction) I have given you. If you don’t move, you may never appropriate what He has GIVEN. Here we have a confirmation of the ongoing need to balance between the SOVEREINGTY of God and the RESPONSIBILITY of man. The land is given and shall be given in as much as you are within the DIVINELY DEFINED BOUNDARY which is not to limit you but to keep you safe in peace and wholeness and to promote a lifestyle of propriety. 2). They will withstand, by they shall not stand before you. 3). I will be with you, not to leave or forsake you.

The key charge in this is ARISE. This is driven home with the call in Isa 60:1. It is a military charge to stand up offensively for fulfilment, establishment, and confirmation for with God all things are possible. There is a second significant word in Isa 60:1; it is SHINE. A causative word, not actually to shine, but to MAKE TO SHINE as a luminary who wields influence.

God will never ask you to do what you can do nothing about. He will ask, because the provision is already there.

This charge to Israel is valuable for you in 2016 for all things in terms of favour; open doors; and provision are ready. It is therefore time to unbox, to set out for the fulfilment of God’s word, believing that God has given you 2016.