Happy Good FRIDAY. It Is Finished!

Today is referred to as the Good Friday. There truly is something good about it. It was on this day close to 2000 years ago that the King of Glory was crucified. If they had known, they will not have done that. Good that they did not know. His sacrificial death on our behalf finished it all. 

Think about nothing else today. Let the word be on your mind and before your eyes; write it on a card, if you can. IT IS FINISHED! Read it. Think it. Say it. See it. IT IS FINISHED! The problem of sin and it’s attending functional effect is finished. He is not coming back for your challenges, infirmities, or weaknesses. He’s had them taken care of. Let this be in you, not just for today, but for the lifetime ahead of you. He settled the provision, once and for all. 

Today is not a day to mourn. It is a day of rejoicing. Let your soul praise the king of heaven. Lay the tributes of your lips at His feet. You have been ransomed, healed, restored, and forgiven. His praise for these should be evermore. 

Today we lay hold of the provision. We profess our faith in the finished work. We receive mercy and grace to help in time of need.

Rejoice! Share the good news with someone today. The cross was not just the place of His death; it was the place where He finished the solution and the provision that you will ever need. 

From all of us at IsaacBoluwatise.Org, 

Happy Good Friday to you.