Not Your Burial, It’s Your Baptism 2

“God has a different view of your troubles”

Bible Reading: Exo 14:15-23


The Red Sea was on the way of Israel and God was aware of that. He knew that the Red Sea cannot stop them, but that rather a way shall be made through it. The constant factor in their journey is that the nation must be settled into her Canaan; this was the will of God for them.

The Red Sea was on their way to serve as a tool for and a part of the series of changes that they must experience as they journey toward Canaan.

Each experience of victory should embolden and prepare you for things ahead. None of the challenges you face is in vain. God intends to use them for your good.

When the people saw the sea, they concluded that they were doomed. Two things were materially obvious around them:

1. There was no way to the right or to the left.

2. There was no going backward or forward

If they stand still, Egypt will either overrun them or take them back; if they go forward, the Red Sea will become their cemetery that will feature no headstone for any of them.

The situation they found themselves in would not be enough to end their lives nor their story. Instead of thinking what confronted them will mark their end, God instructed them to go forward for He had a different view of the read sea and its significance for the people.Whatever it is that you are faced with cannot determine your end; it will only serve as your baptism.



Join us to be nurtured for influence this Thursday at Kingdom Luminaries Training (7 pm) @ 3, Ramat Crescent, Ogudu GRA, Lagos 100242.

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