Man Shall Live By the Word of God 2

The material life that you are concerned with is not even the main issue in existence but the health of your soul.

Bible Reading: Ex 16:11-28; Matt 4:4


It is important to know that man shall not live by bread alone …., because you will need provisions from day to day, just as it was with them in the wilderness and you will need to, before you get overtaken with the wrong and common culture.

To avoid the trap of the common culture that locks most people into a life of concern about what to eat, drink and put on, you need to know that that the purpose of life is more than those basic necessities for day to day material existence, it has to do with the design of God for your life as expressed to you in His word and by His special guidance in your personal life.

The devil’s strategy is to use these daily material needs or requirements to haunt your soul by building up pressures that will result in fear and anxiety. His aim with this is to impede your progress and possibly get you to complain against God.
God also utilises the needs that confront you from day to day to test your obedience or commitment to Him so as to prove if your heart is truly with Him. How else is the state of your heart proven to you than when things seem to be challenging. He proves your faith with the situations that you find ourselves in.
If this is not known someone might mess up by swallowing the baits from the devil and thus failing God’s tests.
The material life that you are concerned with is not even the main issue in existence but the health of your soul.
Join us to be nurtured for influence this Thursday at Kingdom Luminaries Training; 7 pm @ 3, Ramat Crescent, Ogudu GRA, Lagos 100242.


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