And Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” Then Joshua spoke to the priests, saying, “Take up the ark of the covenant and cross over before the people.” So they took up the ark of the covenant and went before the people. Josh 3:5-6

To cross every significant hurdles into the promise like the crossing of Jordan will require the process of change: an admission of the current state; a foresight of what should be; and the embrace of the promise. Crossing the Jordan requires preparation and obedience to instruction

Crossing the hurdles requires personal consecration (separation from – habits, attitudes, cultures, and dedication to) for tomorrow, the wonders that God will do. A great social and spiritual misnomer today is the bid to transit into the future you are not holistically changed for. Change is spiritual, mental and material. Your life today will not adjust into the reality of the promise until you have the word of God for it. Remember always to identify where you are and juxtapose it with where you should be; Die to the reality of what is while longing for what should be; Awake within you to what should be and experience God raising you up to the new day of what should be, becoming what now is.

They crossed by following the lead of God’s word and presence and not miracles. The desire for miracles is good, but the understanding of God’s way is much better. God’s way is revealed by God’s word and when God speaks, it points you to the future. Faith however brings the promise into now. Until faith comes, it remains a hope which is always in the future. Their faith related with the significance of the ark of testimony and followed it.

Simple obedience births outstanding miracles. Jn 2:4. Note that there was no agitation in the new generation as it was with the old. They were only following instructions. They crossed Jordan in principle. They did not only have the direction; they were positioned to know what steps to take. Their act of faith required that there be space between you and the ark. It is mindful, not just of the destination, but of every steps.

Walking with God helps one to know His ways and this is superior to His works. God has given the word; we are to act on the word. The Joshua generation is an obedient generation who give attention to the word. Miracles will not accomplish what obedience should. God wants us to birth miracles by cooperation with Him. When we walk in His ways we shall see His works. In obedience, we shall see that the living God is among us. As we do what He has told us to do, we shall see a result that signifies the cutting off of the past and a leeway into the future. A proof that things greater than these shall be.