Do not loose your calling and the specifications that God has given you concerning it. The specifications are crucial to your race and your track.

You are free to turn to any right direction in terms of examples when you have not received definite instructions from God in certain areas.

In track events, lane is not specified in all. However in those where your lane or track is specified, you are responsible to adhere to the specifications if you do not want to be disqualified at the end of the race.

When you have received specifications, you know what you will account for at the end of your race.

Ministry is according to the pattern. Paul’s direction was slightly different from Peter’s; yet they draw from the same grace.

This is not to promote subjectivity. It is to let you know that you will be responsible to God on that day.

Instructions are based on Biblical teachings; they may also specify what you are permitted to do.

Be careful about doing what everyone does because of the quest for result. Result is important to every asignment; results however must issue from obedience.

We shall all be responsible for our assumptions or for the instructions we have received on that day.

There is a particular ministry practice that is not sinful, but that the Lord has always pointed me away from from the earliest days of my response to Him. He did not kill me when I strayed into it due to relationships that were even godly; He only lovinly reminded me of the instruction after some time.

He has His reasons for giving you those instructions in the midst of open field of practices.

Obedience is better that sacrifice!

#HearGod #FollowHim #PrepareToMeetYourGod